Tracking of snow and ice removal equipment for pickups and light trucks
The new Hilltip HTrack™ system is compatible with all HillTip snow plows, spreaders and de-icing sprayers, models of IceStriker™, SprayStriker™ and SnowStriker™. With HTrack™ tracking software you can track all of your spreading devices and snowplows online on your computer, tablet or smartphone.
– This has been a strategic investment, as our mission in the industry is to bring new cost effective technology to the contractors for salt spreaders and snow plows, in pick-ups and light trucks segment, says Sales Manager Frank Mäenpää. – We are the first snowplow and spreader supplier on the market today that offers a complete tracking system for snowplows and salt spreaders in the pick-up and light truck segment.
Frank also reminds that the obligations of proving the de-icing jobs are done are same for smaller spreading devices and high-way spreaders. – For some reason this is often forgotten in the industry, and we want to change that.
The HillTip HTrack™ collects exact spreading rate on site from the spreader in g/m2 or ml/m2, spreading width, spreading speed, time spent, total amount spread on route as well as empty driving information to calculate the efficiency on route. Together with the spreader device you can also track when the snow plow has been on the ground. All data is sent online to the HTrack™ system, where the data is stored and can easily be summarized into daily, weekly or yearly reports. The spreaders and snow plows can easily be accessed online on your computer, tablet or smartphone.

Hilltip has developed the tracking system inhouse. This means that support for and customized integration with existing softwares used on the Hi-way sector or municipalities can be easily done if needed.
– The HillTip IceStriker™ sand and salt spreaders were introduced on the market 2013. We are very pleased to inform that all IceStriker™ spreaders are compatible with the new HTrack™ system.
– The journey has been exciting, says Managing director Tom Mäenpää, summarizing the time since first Icestriker™ spreader was launched, and he promises that there is more to come.